Top 10 Wierd Wrappings

So you bought all your presents and your ready to wrap them huh? Here are some interesting ideas for wrapping paper that might be even more appealing then the gift you have stuffed inside.

10. Snowmen

Fun paper that shows snowmen do enjoy tanning and taking good care of themselves.

9.Just Wrong

I'm betting that the Chinese had no idea when they created this paper that they had added a Swastika to it.

8. Flavio

Cute and interesting little guy can’t wait for you to open up the goodie hiding inside.

7. Newspaper

When in doubt use newspaper to wrap your gifts with style. My mom usually used the funny pages, but current events work just as well.

6. Darlek Paper

This paper is for the Dr. Who fan in all of us. Set them up and let them rip.

5. Reverse Shopping

Take a paper or toilet paper roll end with you and buy a present that fits inside, not stylish, but will definitely make the fun last well, ok it’s just cheap.

4. Time Travel

Take a trip back to the 70’s with stylized paper such as this one.

3. Sweet Wrappings

Opening this present will put a smile on any sweet lover.

2. Bigger the Better

No matter what you use, it’s a bonus if you use just the right amount.

1. Pole Dancing Santa

I think the picture says it all don’t you?